General preferences

    The General preferences are used to fine-tune and personalize Audion's behavior.

MP3 Files

    This section contains preferences related to MP3 file playing.

    When MP3 files are played, associate them with Audion:
    Changes the creator of your MP3 files to Audion. This makes it possible to double click a MP3 file and have it opened in Audion.

    Remove custom icons when changing associations:
    This will remove any custom icons left behind by other players.

    Filter out duplicate files when adding to the playlist:
    Prevents duplicate files from being added to your playlist.

    Delete temporary network audio URL files:
    Cleans up Netscape/IE "URL" files usually left on the desktop. Commonly these are .m3u or .pls files. If you want to snag a stream for later listening, sometimes it's handy to have these files stick around.

    Use strict file integrity checking:
    Audion may report that an MP3 file is corrupt; turning off this checkbox will make Audion play virtually any MP3 file even if corrupt, but may cause side effects.

    Start playing default playlist on launch:
    Will auto play the playlist chosen with the default button.

    Choose default playlist button:
    Click to select a playlist you want Audion to load by default.

CD Audio

    This section contains preferences related to CD audio playing.

    Use this CD drive:
    If you have multiple CD drives (for example, an internal CD-ROM drive and an external CD-R drive), use this pop-up menu to select the CD drive to use for CD audio playing.


    This section contains tweaks for the advanced user.

    MP3 file buffer size:
    Audion stores a backlog ("buffer") while playing MP3 audio. This helps prevent skips and breaks caused by network trouble, or heavy hard-drive access. If you find audio skipping frequently, you can try adjusting this slider to compensate.

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